Hello there, I'm new to Funder Intel and joined on the recommendation of Shawn Haber, a frequent poster here and long term IOU client.
IOU Financial is actively growing and finding a strong niche with our higher dollar amount loans. We are looking for A and B files, and we offer 2nd positions. Our new premier plus product allows us to fund up to 1.5 million with monthly payment options. By the way, we pay gross on renewals and up to 10 pts on all our loans.
If you are interested in signing up please send me an email at raltick@ioufinancial.com
I hear the best things about IOU!
Anytime Im suprised this post did not get more hits especially with a monthly payment and up tp 36 months
Thanks for joining @Ryan Altick !! And thank you @shawn haber for recommending him to do so!