Start from a beginner ISO Rep to an ISO Manager to a Chief Revenue Officer for an MCA/RBF direct funding company! All of the information you need to understand the CRO career path, find out what an ISO is and does, what skills are needed to excel, job prospects, market size, relationship management, performance tracking of ISOs, Underwriting and deal analysis, leadership, and much more. This course is taught by Shane Mahabir who started out as an ISO Rep and went to senior-level positions before founding Funder Intel. He worked for several different funding companies so was able to see how they operate differently and what worked or didn't work for those particular funders. His experience and knowledge are taught in this course which is designed for those who want to get into the alternative funding industry, those who aren't provided the information they need to get ahead and lead an ISO Relations department, for funders who want an automated way to train their employees with high-quality training, and any stakeholder who is always seeking knowledge to improve their value in the market. THE RELEASE DATE IS SET FOR FEBRUARY 19th.