I am seeking Latino friendly lenders...spanish speaking through-out the process from contracts ( written in spanish option ) to Log-in to merchant interview. Also ITIN friendly, Perminant Resident Card friendly....spanish speaking closers as well.
Hi Jason, here at Lexio Capital we are Latino Friendly all the way to the funding call. We also have a ITIN product. Send me an email we can get better acquiated. Gracias. Carlos@lexiocapita.com
Not sure if Upfunding contacted you but check with @Paula Sborovsky
Hi @Jason Sessa ! We at Upfunding are definetly Latino friendly in all that you mention. I will DM you. Thanks!
Hi Jason, here at Lexio Capital we are Latino Friendly all the way to the funding call. We also have a ITIN product. Send me an email we can get better acquiated. Gracias. Carlos@lexiocapita.com